Summer Infant Multi-Use Deco Extra Tall Walk-Thru Gate, Bronze features
- Pressure mounted installation for use between rooms
- Optional hardware mounts included for installation on stairways
- 36-inch tall gate fits openings 28-48 inches wide
- Auto-close walk through door
- Bronze metal finish
- 36 inch tall gate fits openings 28 to 48 inches wide
- Auto close walk through door
Child proof your home in style with the Multi-Use Bronze Deco Extra Tall Walk-Thru Gate. This attractive bronze metal gate is adjustable to accommodate most door openings and stairways. Hardware is included for extra secure mounting, or pressure mount for a secure installation that doesn’t leave marks on walls. Q:How wide is door? A: Fully open it is 17.5 inches Q:Can you leave the door open if desired? A: No. What I did was get bungie cords and use them to hold it open. Works perfect. Q:The gate is advertised as 36″ tall, but at what height are the upper mounting points? My banister is only 35″ tall. A: The upper mounting points are 33″ high. Q:How large are the wide openings at the bottom of the gate? I have cats and don’t want them to slip through. A: Some are 3″ x 3″ wide and some are 4″ wide by 3″ high. Probably enough for a small cat to at least get partway through. I would worry it could get stuck. Q:Do the mounting knobs adjust enough to account for baseboards? Our opening is an inch or two narrower at the bottom than the top. A: Yes i have a home that was built in 1911 and they worked just fine. just make sure they are even. on both sides, it helps with the gate function and stability Q:What is the width of the walk through gate itself (the opening the people walk through)? A: from latch to latch, mine is measuring 16 1/2 inches Q:Does it really take 4-6 months to get this thing in bronze??? If so no chance I’m ordering this no matter what reviews say. A: That must be something new, I got mine within a week. Q:Our hallway is 47 inches. Previous gate had extenders to extend width, but they failed with our 55 pound lab jumping on it. Opinions on the strength? A: I don’t think you will have a problem. It is very strong. We have a 41″ opening. Our 80lb lab and our 65lb Australian/German shepherd have not budged it. We have three of these gates and love them. Q:moulding A: I’m assuming you’re asking how it works with moulding? Or IF it works with moulding? It mounts to the wall with 4 tension screws/pads so- you can either place the gate above the moulding (and have a few inchesof space below the gate) or place on the moulding –depending on the type. We have an older house with non-uniform curved moulding so we chose to place it a bit higher on the wall with a couple inches of space below the gate. There’s an option of permanently mounting this to the wall as well. Q:What is the distance between the bars please? A: Between 1 & 1/2 inches to 2 & 1/2 inches. On both sides of the actual gate opening those areas are larger than the others.
Q:how does the gate open? A: On the one I bought and my husband installed, there is a little “thumb button” on the top of the railing on the left-hand side. I slide that button to the left and then pull the gate towards me. If yours is installed in the opposite direction then the little button would be on the right and you would either pull or push the gate open. Hope this helps. Love, peace, joy to you!
Q:Would it fit our 43.5 inch wide staircase? A: Yes it will.
Q:This gate only swings open one way? Or both ways? A: Only one way, for safety reasons. For example, if it were placed at the top of the stairs – it would not swing open towards the steps – just in case little miss perfect got lucky and managed to open it. Of course, you can always unscrew it and turn it around to face the other direction if you like. Takes about 2 mins sober. There is no way to tell the difference, other than the direction the gate swings. Good product.
Q:Does it damage the walls? I’ve had other baby gates that really wrecked the drywall. A: It does not damage the walls. This is actually the second one of these gates that we have purchased because they work so well.
Q:Can additional sections be ordered so the gate can be used in a wider space? A: There is another similar gate amazon has listed as “frequently bought together” that is up to 6 feet wide, I would think that is the one you want.
Q:Will this work with wrought iron railings at the top of a staircasej A: This has to be mounted against something flat and solid at the bottom and close to the top. I would guess your wrought iron railings are too thin for a silver dollar sized mount to tighten against them.
Q:Has anyone used this gate with two banisters at the top of their stairs? A: I have, and it is working out very well. I did have to use the round disc’s that screw into the wood, then mounted the gate. I am not using for children, but for (2) english bull dogs I mention this because they are both strong dogs totaling 140 lbs between them and they will push against the gate and jump on it. It holds like a champ. Unlike kids, they have not figured out how to open the latch. Hope this helps you.
Q:I need 3 gates: top & bottom of stairs and kitchen way. Would this be too tall for any of those? I have 1 tall and 2 regular I will be sending back. A: It lists the dimensions/height in the product info. Measure your height needed and compare.
Q:Would this gate mount to a metal banister? A: There is no mounting as it is supported by pressure. It comes with plastic caps which can be screwed into wall surface which only keep the pressure pads in place. If the metal banister is wide enough to have the 1 1/2 inch pressure pads against it, it should work.
Q:will it work if i have molding on the bottom of my doorway that sticks out about a inch and a half? A: It should. It’s adjustable at the top and bottom.
Q:Will this fit a 33″ doorway? I am concerned the extensions may be to big or small like the last 2 gates I ordered.. A: Yes I believe it will because it fits ours and we still have two extensions that I put away in case we decide to move the gate someday.
Q:Does the gate open in both directions? A: No it does not.
Q:Is this gate removable? I need a gate I can put up when my neice is visiting & take down when she leaves. It’s for a staircase so no pressure mount A: Yes, the gate is removable. We use it to contain pups and the granddaughter. It’s very nice, looks good.
Q:will my kids (age 4 and up) be able to open and close it easily? (I want them to be able to, the gate is to keep the dog out) A: The gate is excellent and attractive … surprisingly nice for the price. Based on my recollection, you have to push a mechanism on top and lift the gate a little to open. I think Age 4 and up should be able to handle it.
Q:Can gate be mounted at an angle? On one side, I want to attach it 5-6″ ahead of a straight line. If not, is there a similar item that would work? A: No. It’s all solid metal and the extensions connect with metal pins and screws. There is a larger gate that can be used at an angle but it is really wide so if your space is smaller than 42″ it might not fit
Q:How does this gate work with small dogs? I have a 6 pound yorkie/maltese mix and she’s figured out a way to wiggle out of our current gate. A: I have 2 13 lb bichons and there is no way they can squeeze thru the gate.
Q:The gate does not lock shut it will open with a slight push, am I doing something wrong? The tabs that would lock it in place go in with a very slight push on the gate. A: My gate you have to push tab and lift up on gate. You will need to tighten up gate. It should not open if you push in gate
Q:Will my cat be able to get past/over this? We need to keep the baby out but let the cat in (litter box is behind gate). If not, any ideas? A: If your door opening is large enough to use the extra panels (more than 25″) the cat should be able to get through. The extra extentions have 3 1/4 square openings. The gate looks nice and works well.
Q:Would it be OK for outdoor use, such as on a deck stairway? A: The gate is metal, so I’m thinking that it would not be good for wet/damp areas.
Q:How wide is the gate opening? A: The gate opening is 19 inches wide.
Q:Does is fit a opening 37 wide? My concern is if the extension will be too big or too small for 37. A: Yes it does my opening is 39″, so it will fit much better with one extension on your door. Mine is a stairway it is on. I love this gate, remember it only opens one way so put it uo the way you want the gate to swing.
Q:what size are the spaces between the slots, I’m trying to keep my cat from getting through or over it, do you think it would work? A: Largest opening is two and a half inches. My cat will not try and jump this gate because it is not a solid surfcae. My cat can easily jump to the top of a six foot fence but has never attempted to jump this gate, and I think it is because of the slots. Your cat may squeeze through the 2 1/2″ slot but it needs to be skinny cat.
Q:I need the gate to fit a 54 inch opening. How wide is it with all the extensions in place? A: It goes up to 48″ with what comes in the box. They make other sizes as well.
Q:Can it be used outdoors A: The item is powder coated, the hinges are metal and plastic; if the weather is not too harsh, I believe it could be used outside.
Q:I have this going against a 34in high bar will it work? In other words, is it 36″ at center? If so, how tall is it at wall? A: 34 inches at wall
Q:is the beige llight or more like brown A: Ours is brown.
Q:can this gate be used outdoors? A: You should ask the manufacturer this question.
Q:will this work on a 33 1/2″ opening.? I’ve ordered and return several. Some were too short and others were too long. Thanks so much A: It should. It has extension panels that you can use or not use depending on your need. We have fairly narrow doorways, so we didn’t use them. The description says 28-48″. You should be good to go. We love this gate. Just remember to use the tool provided to tighten the bars so it’s sturdy.
Q:does is work with cats A: Should work fine for adult cats. The slats have about 4 inches between them, so a kitten could probably wriggle through.
Q:how hard is it to open the gate? Will a 4 year old be able to open it? A: It is not that hard to open the gate but I used it for my dogs and not a 4 year old. You have to be able to push the button, pull up and push on the gate all at one time. Not sure about kids, it’s been a long time since I had one that small. Sorry I am not more help.
Q:Would it fit our 69 inch wide staircase? A: No. This would, though …�cor-Metal-Brown/dp/B005DOS2EE/ref=pd_bxgy_ba_img_y
Q:To Summer Infant. Could you list gates that auto-close and cover 42 inch wide? On more affordable side? A: The Summer Infant gate is an auto-close gate and does extend to 42 inches and beyond if needed. It is also an attractive gate. It has worked very well for when our grandchildren are visiting. We love it and I would definitely recommend it. It is strong, attractive and does the job!
Q:Mine does not automatically shut, ever, and it also does not require use of the button on top to open it. Is there something wrong with it? A: No
Q:Does it open both ways? A: Yes
Q:Can anyone comment on how durable this is for dogs that like to destroy things? Our dog tore up his plastic crate, and hoping to use this instead. A: Very durable …. I didn’t expect for it to be as awesome as it is… Highly recommend it….
Q:The bottom of the gate does not lock automatically. We had to push it in. No matter how we adjust it.. Any suggestions? A: If the gate is not level it will not lock. Check that both sides and all angles are level.
Q:My opening is 48″ wide. Does this gate expand that wide with extensions to fit secure without being flimsy unlike other brands? A: Yes
Q:Can I use this gate outside on a porch or do you believe it would rust? A: It is probably not meant for outdoors but if on a porch where it would not get direct rain I believe it would be ok. I would definately spray it with an outdoor clear enamel spray paint. Mine is inside so I can’t swear it would be ok but I personally would give it a try
Q:Is there a purpose to the release button? The gate does need to be lifted to open, however, it can be lifted without the release button. A: If installed the intended way, with the intended tension, the gate will not open unless the release button/switch is also used. You can install it in a way that doesn’t require that, however I found that the gate won’t latch shut on its own otherwise (needs to be purposefully closed rather than just allowing the gate to swing closed on its own).
Q:49 and 1/4 inch doorway. Any other extensions available? Could I possibly rig a wood panel/wood extension to the wall then install? A: We bought 2 of these and you can combine extensions to make it wider, however the gate tends to flex as it gets wider. I wouldn’t extend it over the spec if it were to be placed at the top of stairs.
Q:can a two year old open? A: I don’t think so…it does require some ability and trick to open it…
Q:Has anyone tripped on this gate due to the metal bar on the bottom? A: We have only had the gate for a few days, but no we have not tripped. It is excellent. We had a gate that we did trip over. This is super easy and I really like it.
Q:can a child open this gate? A: Depends on the age. It is pretty tricky because you have to hold a latch and pull up at the same time. It’s a really great gate!
Q:can gate be used outside A: I would say yes it is finished nicely and I think it would hold up pretty well to the weather
Q:Does Summer Infant make a spindle addapter?? All descriptions say this gate can be used on stairs, but I can’t find an adapter anywhere. A: I’m not the authority on these gates, but I seem to recall seeing an adapter for that available online. Imagine a piece of angle iron with the spindle is pressed into the inside corner. It was like that. Anyway, nothing like that comes in the kit, but they’re out there to retrofit. Of that I’m sure. I’ve also seen parents forgo the end fittings, bringing the gate itself up to the spindle, using several zip ties to secure it. That certainly works although the end look isn’t as clean.
Q:has anyone used this for the bottom of stairs. does it work? A: It did not work for me, andI had to send it back. I only used it upstairs, and it is perfect.
Q:Is the mounting hardware really mounting brackets to screw the gate into the wall, or is it screwing non-skid cups in the wall and relying on tension? A: Its a pressure mounted gate, the non skid caps screw into the gate, the caps are against the inside of the door frame. It does not harm the wood on door frame. My 100 lb German shepherd can’t get through it.
Q:Could a cat slip between the bars? A: no not unless its a really small cat! they are about 2 1/2 figers width apart.
Q:What’s the clearance between the lower tension knobs and floor? Will it clear my 3/4″ quarter round molding on the floor? A: No. But we solved the problem by putting the gate on 3/4 ” plywood.
Q:Can it fit a 51″ opening? Do I need to order extension parts separately? A: It come with 2 extensions but even with extensions it only fits 48″ opening. I dont know if they offer extra extensions
Q:can you purchase extentions A: Two come with it, but I’m not sure if you can purchase additional ones.
Q:Has anyone else had a hinge break? Did you have any luck getting a replacement part? A: Have not had any problem with my gates….I have two.
Q:How many days does shipping take? A: Q:how many days it take to arrive A: Q:why is there so much exposed screw threads?341/2 to 35 in. doorway?are there smaller extentions ?i need about 2-21/2 in. looks terrible! A: Mine is in a smaller swinging door and I didn’t need the extensions
Q:How would I “fixed” mount this at the top of my stairs when I have a banister on one side? A: I am sorry I do not know as I mounted mine in a doorway.
Q:Hi there. What’s the point of the button at the top. It doesn’t seem to do anything. A: the gate has spring loaded knobs at the top and the bottom, this is how you get a snug fit in the door frame. if you tighten the knobs enough the button on the top of the gate will release the door from the lock position. you would still need to push the gate open. I do not use this button. I find the door is secure without tighten the knobs that much.
Q:With extensions, the fit is 48 inches. Does the 48 inches max. width INCLUDE the space required by the tension nuts/bolts on either side…?? A: C’est: Yes, it includes some distance of the bolts. You don’t want to extend them to max length or then one hard push on the gate will make it buckle and fall down. In my opinion, the munchkin easy-close extra tall and wide gate is FAR superior and gets you and extra 3.5 inches. If you read my review on the summer gate it lists all the reasons why. … hope that helps.
Q:how does the latch/handle work? will my 33 month old be able to easily open the door? A: Very unlikely. In addition to the latch, you need to pull upward and then toward you. Just pulling toward you won’t open it.
Q:How far apart are the bars? A: I’m not certain. A little narrower than the width of a cat head.
Q:what is the gate made of A: Metal
Q:Can this be mounted on angled surfaces? A: Are the “angled surfaces” parallel? The mounting screws provide a small bit of wiggle room, and the pads for staircase mounting can be used for greater stability. However, this is essentially a straight line design.
Q:Is this gate easy to install and remove on a daily basis? I need a gate I can put away when I’m home. A: This would be rather cumbersome to install and uninstall daily.
Q:can this gate be disassemble A: The gate is one piece and no, it is one piece. Same with the two side pieces.
Q:What is the width between each pole? I need to keep my cats from going upstairs. A: That’s exactly what we use it for. Pickets are approx 2 and a 1/4 inches apart. I have an 8 lb himalayan cat and 7 lb pomeranian dog. Neither can get thru and no possiblity of them getting stuck trying. Hope this helps
Q:How loud/soft is the auto-close feature for the gate? We have a very light sleeper! A: It’s loud!
Q:my opening is 39 inches; my cat is small and may slip between bars what is width at widest point? thanks A: If you have a small cat this isn’t the one for you . Go see if you can enlarge the photo of this gate. Look at the bottom. A small cat can get thru the squares at the bottom. I like this gate a lot . Idea – you could line it one the one side with mesh fabric to keep the cat out. I am a seamstress and have mesh fabric and since I have a gate I could make the mesh screen for you that fits perfectly . If you are I interested email customcheryl@comcast .net and we can chat
Q:We would like to use the gate to block a stairway. Our concern is someone tripping over the bottom frame. Is it possible to install without it? A: No it’s not possible to install without it.
Q:Will this gate fit a 27 inch opening or am I outta luck? A: Maybe if you permanently mount it? If you take the adjustable pads off and screw it into the frame…just an idea, no guarantees!
Q:The description says that gate swings both ways but some of the answered questions says it does not. Does it open both ways or only one way? A: My unit swings one way. However, I have one side against the bottom stair so that allows it to only go one way which is outward.
Q:Will this fit a 57″ space? A: No it can’t The widest spread is 48 inches. The munchkin extra wide/tall gate w/ 4 extensions can go to 54+”. read my review on the summer gate and you might be persuaded to go for the big munchkin gate if it works in your space. I think it’s a better product.
Q:can i buy extentios A: Not sure if you can buy extensions, but gate is large enough to cover 4 feet.
Q:Will it extend for 60 in opening? A: The paperwork says: Fits openings 28″ – 48″ wide and stands tall at 36″ but you might want to look because I think there are extensions to it. I just go this one shown and don’t use the two side pieces in picture.
Q:Can the gate be installed at the bottom of the stairs? (hopefully to stop my 60lb dog from going upstairs) A: Gate needs a firm, flat surface at both ends. Do you have a newel post that has a flat surface that the gate (or extension) can butt up against?
Q:How far apart are the circular mounts from middle of the circle bottom – middle top? We have 34″ of space minimum needed so it’s not attached to the circular part of the banister. A: Approximately 32″
Q:will my 40# dog be able to push this over to get out of the kitchen where he will be confined? suggestions? A: I have no real data to go on here, but knowing dogs, a determined 40-pounder has a real chance of defeating this gate. I’d go for one designed for dogs rather than babies. I know they’re available.
Q:In the description it says that it fits doorways 28-48 inches wide. Does it stretch, or get wider for wider doorways? A: Hello- It has panels that attach to the wider doorways . We aren’t using them at this time, so have them stored in the box.
Q:In a 30 inch opening, how wide would the gap along the walls be? I have a 4lb maltese that can squeeze through some pretty small openings. A: The gate and hinges (including the mounting brackets) are about 27 1/4″ wide. The gap between the last post and the wall is 1/2″ . You won’t be able to use even 1 extra four inch gate panel, so you’ll have to make up the difference by moving itty bitty tiny (on the picture) mounting blocks on the outside of each corner. They extend to fill your gap by screwing out and extending. By my estimation (and I could be wrong) that leaves almost a 2″ gap on either side.
Q:Is anyone using this outside on a deck? How does it hold up in the weather? A: Using inside, I doubt the material will hold weather conditions being outside. I foresee rust.
Q:Can the mounting brackets allow for adjustment up to 49.5″ even though the listing says the gate can only cover a 48″ opening? A: It comes with one 9″ and two 4″ extensions. If you were able to order another 9″ extension, then you would be able to use one 4″ and two 9″ extensions to make it fit.
Q:Can the extensions be used to offset the door to one side? A: Yes
Q:slat width A: there is no slat larger than 2″ that is the maximum slat size….here is the breakdown…the slats in the center of the gate are 2″…the slats on the side where the gate locks is just short of 1″ and the slats on the side where the hinge is and where it connects to the wall on the other side is just short of 2″.
Q:Can this gate be used outside A: You need two strong sides to put the tension on the gate so not sure it could be used outside unless it was like in a door way that led to an outside space.
Q:Where do I get the details which are screwed to the wall on a top of the stair? Do I have to order them separately or do they come with the gate? A: my husband installed ours, but I believe everything came with, and ours is screwed into the wall.
Q:can it be used with small dogs? A: Yes
Q:Our opening is EXACTLY 48″–will the gate be SECURELY attached at its maximum extension using the pressure mounts for a VERY STRONG toddler? A: It won’t be as strong as you want it to be, fully extended. I set a 1″x2″ piece of wood on either side. They are not secured to the wall, just using the pressure of the screws to hold them in place. Stands up great to my 43 pound, extremely active puppy.
Q:Does this gate work with a door way, (not a hallway), where there is a door? A: Yes. It will fit in a regular door way. It seems to work nicely no matter where you put it.
Q:suitable outdoor use? A: It is very sturdy however my concern would be if it was left outside in elements for long periods of time it might rust.
Q:Does it attach to banisters? A: That was the main reason we got it. We didn’t want to drill into ours and it worked perfectly.
Q:can this be used outdoors? A: I would not recommend it for outdoor use unless you live in a very dry region.
Q:Is the latch noisy or quiet? A: It’s very quiet. The loud part is if you let the gate slam shut as it’s spring loaded.
Q:can it be mounted onto a banister A: I don’t think so. My friend who installed mine had to remove the base shoe from my floor to set it up. He said he could not mount it above it. Hope that helps.
Q:just wondering about the opening size along the bottom. We are getting for small dog and are hoping she wont wiggle thru while a pup, thanks A: As discribed.
Q:How wide (diam) are the round pads that touch the door opening? A: About an inch… 1-1.5 inch. Not too bad. I have two of those gates they rock for dogs. Have a german shepherd and small dog.
Q:I am thinking of purchasing this for an outside patio with openings down steps to the yard.The openings are approximately 40 inches wide.Thoughts? A: I absolutely love this gate. I would use it for indoor and outdoor needs. It is very sturdy and it comes with extensions. Right now I have it in a 36 inch door way and I don’t have all the extensions on it.
Q:Is there a way to keep the latch UNLOCKED or Opened Sometimes without uninstalling it? A: Yes simply lift up the gate gentle and push it forward. Works great
Q:Is hardware necessary? I refer a gate where I dont have to screw it into the wall. Please let me know! A: It can be done with either screws ( I didn’t to this option) I used the tension method…It includes hardware for both options. Looks great!
Q:Is the gate adjustable so that the top and bottom mounts on the same side can be different widths by a couple of inches? A: Yes ! each tiny mount is individually adjustable so you could potentially have four different widths.

hope this helps !
Q:can this be used outdoors for deck stairs ? wondering if this gate withstand outdoor weather conditions? A: I would say no. It’s amazing quality but I would imagine that it would rust if used outside.
Q:Is this good for the outdoors. I have a side gate people tend to leave open, hoping to use this as a second gate. So my dog won’t run out. A: Because this gate is metal, I would think it would rust too easy outdoors. Perhaps others can chime in.
Q:Is the given height from floor to top of door? What is the height of the extensions? I need it to fit under the overhang of my kitchen counter. A: This was a gift-sorry don’t know the answer.
Q:How far apart are the bars? My puppy slipped through the first one I purchased. A: About an inch and a half. No way a puppy could fit through. My toddler can’t even fit his little feet through.
Q:Would a 3-4 month old kitten fit through the bars? A: Probably not. Well, the bottoms squares may be iffy but you could block it off.
Q:how large are the square openings that run along the bottom of the gate? I have a 9wk old puppy that may slip through if too wide. A: Me too. Have Pom puppies I need to contain. Love the style and look of the gate, but sure they will squeeze through bottom. Too bad. Gate would have been just as stylish if top rungs were just continued down. They would have sold a lot of these to toy dog owners because the other rungs are so close together!! Going to see if this company has a similar model that might work.
Q:I need it for an outdoor porch opening the is about 70 inches, can we buy extensions? A: Could but it would likely be too wobbly at that width. Buy the wider version of the gate.
Q:is it hands free A: Not hands free
Q:Can it be used outside to keep dogs on the porch? A: I use it inside so really not sure. It is metal so if it should get wet could rust I suppose. It is nice and tall so dogs cannot jump over it.
Q:Can you use pressure mount with baseboards? Will baseboards be an issue in general? A: I use it in a doorway that is smooth all the way down but a bit lop-sided due to being an old home. What helps with that is I installed the cups that screw into the wall for the stairway mounting kit. It gives the gate pressure mounted circles a place to fit into and even with a giant dog leaning on the gate at times it has stayed in place. Not sure u want to drill into a baseboard but its a small screw hole. Hope that helps.
Q:We are planning to put this at the bottom of our stairs bracing it with the stair banisters. Is this a tension mount or does it require drilling? A: Tension mount. It is equipped with caps that can be screwed into the wall to hold the mounts, but I did not use them and the tension mounts holds the gate securely.
Q:Can this be used outside under a covered deck? A: We have this gate in our hallway to contain our very large and boisterous golden retriever. It is an absolutely awesome gate. I can’t see why it wouldn’t work under a covered deck. Perhaps you should check with the manufacturer to inquire about rust resistence. Otherwise, I highly recommend this gate. Oh yes, I should add it looks good too, way better than the plastic type.
Q:Can this be used for outside use without rusting? A: I don’t think so. the finish is nice for inside but not the normal outdoor finish
Q:Will this fit a hallway that is 47″ ? Another gate I got wouldn’t because it was either too big or too small with any of the extensions. A: Yes, however, that stretches it out to it’s full extent and the gate becomes unsteady, easy to dislodge. My entrance is 47 1/2. I added a 1/2″ X 1″ piece of wood to each side (1″ flat against the wall) the height of the support arms. You have to be looking for it in order to detect the wood. It’s definitely more stable and keeps my 35 lb boxer puppy where I want her. Even when she’s excited to get to me on the other side.
Q:can the optional mounting kits be purchased? A: I think they have additional, optional mounting kits that may be purchased but there are four mounting sets that come with the gate and also two full extensions included with the gate. I used the permanent mounting option with the adhesive and screws because it is a high traffic area at the bottom of stairs. It does not shift at all and is very secure.
Q:How would we attach this at the top of our stairs outdoors? It’ll need to be attached to metal railing and I’d prefer to use hardware (not tension). A: It’d be tough. You’ll be better off buying something else.
Q:I’m looking for a safe solution for our apartment balcony, which has an open doorway with stairs. Would this be secure for that use? A: It might close off the open doorway, depending upon the sides of the door but this is attached only by pressure points. Any force could knock it away. It is really a good solution as a pet restraint but I would not count on it to be secure on an open stairwell.
Q:Does this color match the bronze Summer Infant wide gate? A: I believe it is the same color. They look practically alike. I use mine for a dog, but it can be used for infants too I am sure. I love this gate. Very sturdy built. Metal instead of plastic. I would recommend this gate.
Q:Is this gate good for outside use? A: I LOVE this gate, BUT I’m not sure it’s recommended for the outside elements. If you plan on putting it up and removing the same day I’m sure you would be ok

Possibly check with the manufacturer.
Q:Has anyone used this for a 50″ top of stairs location. I am wondring if i used the Y spindle on one side i could get the extra 2″ i need? A: Sorry I have not.
Q:can a three year old easily open this? A: Depends on the child. It has a sliding clip that keeps it hinged on the top. If the gate becomes uneven (top tighter or looser than the bottom) it is easy to push open without using the latch. Some children see a gate and think they’re stuck on their side of it. While others are very inquisitive and mechanically inclined. If your child is the latter, I wouldn’t rely on this gate.
Q:do you sell ones that are this color and taller, I need atleast 41 inches high A: Hello, Unfortunately this is the tallest we have. Thank you, Babyhaven
Q:I’m using this gate at the top of the stairs, one side attaching to the wall the other side attaching to rod iron railing. Will this gate work? A: We use ours at the top of the stairs as well, attached to a wall on one side, and a wooden stairway bannister on the other side. This will work if you have enough of a flat surface on the iron railing to use as a brace for the hardware mounts. Flatter is better, although we were able to tighten ours enough against the curved bannister for a good fit.
Q:how wide does it expand to? A: We used this gate at the top & bottom of our stairs. The stair openings are 3′ 2″. The gate comes with an extra 9″ panel. That makes the gate almost 4′. It also has adjustable padded screws at top & bottom of gate to secure it into position. I’m very confident you could use this gate in a 4′ opening very easily. Hope this helps. Happy shopping.
Q:My opening is 46.5 inches. Will this fit? A: The gate is expandable to much larger sizes than just a standard size. It goes to 48 inches – it has 4 extra pieces to attach to make it much wider. When you put it in – it’s going to look wonky where the gate closes. Once you make it square from bottom/top side to side it works great. It comes with an easy simple measure tool printed on the side of the enclosed tool. I got 2 and love them both. Keep in mind you could probably paint them a better color if you wanted.
Q:is the sprayer plastic or metal? A: What is the sprayer? The whole gate is metal, but that little black thing that stops it is plastic.
Q:In a 36″ opening, how wide will the gap along the wall be? I want to make sure my small dogs cannot squeeze through. A: Small dogs should not be a problem. There are different size panels in the box, you probably would have an inch or less on with either side. This is a great good looking gate. Read instructions and special notes on labels before installing.
Q:Had this gate for a couple years now. Wanted to use somewhere else for the dogs but to short. Is their somewhere I can buy an additional section? A: Sorry I don’t know
Q:Does the gate hold up well using only using the tension rods (not using the screws) for baby/toddler use? The area I’m using it is 43 inches wide. A: It does. It’s how we we have it installed. I have had the gate since last November and 2 weeks ago our 4 yr old lost (or found) her temper and slammed the gate closed. It broke the plastic piece and now the dogs and push the gate open and get into the kitchen. Otherwise it kept the dogs out just using the tension rods. German shepherd and a small mixed mutt.
Q:can you loosen tension on bottom lock? A: Both top and bottom of gate have their own tension rods.
Q:what size opening will it fit? A: I have it on a stairway.. Appro x 36″
Q:Is the gate good for outdoor use, through all four seasons? A: I would certainly use it in an outdoor setting. You may need to check once in awhile for signs of rust that may develop, but overall, I would use it outdoors. With that being said, I’m only making this statement based upon the region (Southeast) I live in. Our seasons are not typically as harsh as others. I have received many compliments on this gate. I use it for gating my dog in my office at work and everyone remarks on the high quality, ease of use and how sturdy it is. Hope this helps?
Q:would this fit in a 36 inch opening ? A: Yes. Definitely. It is adjustable to fit openings from 28″-48″ by using the included extension pieces.
Q:The width of our upper stair case is about 38.Will we be able to mount this gate if the area where it could be mounted is between 34-36 inches? A: yes it will fit widths from 28 to 38 inches…………so you will be fine. it is really a nice gate….we love ours.
Q:How wide are the circles that push against the wall? A: I would say between 1.5-2 in diameter.
Q:The bottom of the gate looks to be wide enough for my 5 pound cat to get through…do you know how wide those openings are? A: I really doubt your 5 pound cat could get through the bottom. They are decently wide, but they’re no more than 2 inches tall. The answer for our cats is the space between the side of the gate and the wall. We actually have this on the bottom of a staircase that has a bit of moulding that adds space beside the gate. They also can use the spindles of the stairs.
Q:Our opening is 48 1/2″ would it be able to accommodate the extra 1/2″? A: Yes, it expands a lot wit 3 different widths.
Q:how wide will gate go A: it will go up to 48″ wide.
Q:I need a replacement hinge for the top….Where can I find one? A:
Q:i have 42″-43″ opening. Does it fit will? A: Yes, my space is 42″ and didn’t need one section.
Q:Will this gate fit a 44 inch hallway? A: Yes, it extends to 48 inches.
Q:front door ? A: not sure what ur question is. It has a door that has to be unlatched and lifted to open. This can be done with one hand. When the door is released it will swing closed on its own.
Q:can it be used on banisters A: Sorry, not sure where you are asking if it can be used but ours is at the very beginning of going up the stairs. One side can be attached to the stair post and the other side to the wall. Hope that helped!
Q:on thesummer extra tall gate that 48 wide can i buy extra extentios? A: I’m not sure, however it fits my 43 inch hall
Q:Would a 5 year old be able to open this? We need a gate our older daughter can open to get to her room. A: To open, you have to push a tab at the top of the gate and lift the gate up. Some Height and coordination is involved but most 5 yo should be able to handel it
Q:does this gate work well with stair banisters? like on top/bottom of stairs? A: It would work fine if you have a rectangular post, but you really don’t want to screw into those normally. Pressure should be fine for the bottom of the stairs, but not the top. I bought this (rather expensive) kit that allows you to take a round or rectangular banister section and pressure or screw in the gate extra securely without damaging the banister. It works wonderfully for us and looks nice. The gate is nice and strong and I found it was well worth the price!
Q:I know that the description states the width to be between 28″ and 48″ but I have an opening that is 27.7″ wide. Would I be able to squeeze it in? A: I can’t say for sure, but I did measure my gate without the extensions, and it was a tiny bit over 25 1/2 inches wide. Then you have the adjustable pressure mounts to consider as well. ( Mine are sticking out about 1.5″ on each side, but I have a 47″ opening. ) Wish I could be of more help! It is a great gate, if you can get it to fit. My favorite of the 3 different brands I have.
Q:can a tiny dog get through the squares on the bottom of the gate they seem really big ? A: I dont think so! They are tiny squares. Maybe a mouse but not a dog!
Q:I’m not sure if the pressure mounts will be sturdy enough if my 65lb dog jumps aginst the gate. Can it be attached to the wall more securely? A: if you had the gate mounted in a hallway you could attach blocks to the wall beside the mounts but if the gate is installed in a door way there wouldn’t be room for reinforcements
Q:where do I get another extension A: Hi Gary; I don’t know why Amazon sent your question to me, since I am a customer, not the manufacturer or distributor. You might want to check with the company that makes them.
Q:I realize it says 48 inches max, but would the mounts extend enough to closed a 49 inch opening without modifying the frame? A: No. The max 48″ is with the mounts extended as far as possible. I’d suggest buying a gate that extends further or drilling a 2″ wooden block into the wall where you expect to mount the gate. When the mounts are extended to their max they become wobbly and can easily be pushed over.
Q:I have a 46.6 opening. Do the extensions to fit this width come with the purchase or will I need to buy extra extensions for this? A: What you see in the picture is exactly what you get.
Q:Does this gate lock? A: There is no lock/unlock feature but you have to depress a button and pull up in order to open it. We use it for our dog so I can’t vet how child proof it is. But in my opinion, it would be very difficult for a child to open since its a taller gate and pulling up while depressing the button requires height and some strength.
Q:Bottom latch keeps sticking: can’t open door without lifting it a little. How to fix? A: As dumb as it sounds, I think that was purposefully designed into the gate. Little kids can push but they don’t think to lift. My grandson works hard to get through the gate but it holds every time. I like the extra safety of the lift.
Q:color A: It’s bronze but not metallic. More like a brown.
Q:How wide is the door opening? A: It’s about 18″
Q:Does this work well when attached to a banister? A: I haven’t used it with a banister myself, so I don’t know. I would assume that if you correctly tighten the torsion screws it would be fine.
Q:stair A: The gate works TERRIFIC on stairs. I have a one & three year old and neither one of them can open the gate. You need to press BACK the release button & LIFT the gate in order to open it. The kids CANNOT OPEN IT!
Q:Can this gate be used outdoors? A: It’s great indoors…we have several….don’t know if they’d hold up outdoors in bad weather, however…sorry…
Q:Can we use this as a gate on our stairs outside our home? We live in Honolulu. A: Not without adapters that you have to buy separately. It’s fine on the solid wall side, but to grasp the spindles on the open side you’ll need the adapters. But remember when you install it, the gate only swings one way, so test before installing.
Q:the picture itself look like 1 whole gate, does it have extensions on it? and if so do they come with the gate? A: The gate as pictured is utilizing one extension on each side. Two extensions per side are included. That gives you a lot of flexibility. We have had our gates not for a couple of months and they are great! My 95 lbs 10 month Rhodesian Ridgeback is very persistent and the gates are very secure.
Q:would this work on a 43.5 opening? A: Yes, I just measured it with the extra pieces and you will just make it.
Q:What color is it? A: It’s a silver/ bronze color
Q:does it work with spindles A: I’m using it in a doorframe, but if there are posts- i don’t see why it wouldn’t work!!
Q:does the gate have a stay open feature? A: It does not.
Q:does the gate swing both ways? A: Yes it swings both ways.
Q:can this gate be used outdoors? A: It is out of medal so it might possibly rust, not sure.
Q:I need a gate that can be attatched to metal railings on the top and bottom of stairs. Can this gate do that with more than just the pressure mount? A: To answer your question yes it can. I saw a picture on line where a person put a wood block between the rail and the pressure plate.
Q:if the opening is exactly 48″ will it work?? A: Yes it will the adjustment bolts will get you close
Q:Can this be used outdoors? A: From the looks of the finish, I would feel that you could use this outdoors. Maybe not a great idea to put it somewhere in full sun or rain.
Q:Is this gate safe to use outdoors? Is it waterproof? A: I use it outdoors and it is waterproof. The coloring is fading a bit but other than that the gate works perfectly outside!
Q:Are you able to use the y spindle attachment for this gate A: Not sure what you are talking about. I used everything except for extra gate sections.
Q:Is the gate hard for toddlers to open? A: It is for our toddlers both 4yrs old. They have to lift the gate door and push the button… the gate is also very easy to install and swings one direction to open. I am pleased with the overall purchase and would recomend it.
Q:Can it be used outdoors? A: My guess is that it is made of painted steel. The adjuster bolts would probably rust first. The paint seems well applied, so the gate itself probably wouldn’t rust for awhile. The overall appearance is really very nice. Hope this helps.
Q:The actual door opening looks fairly narrow, what is the measurement of the walk-thru area with the door open? A: It’s about 18″ when open.
Q:I have a space in my home that is 50 inches wide. Is the gate itself 48 inches, or does it only expand a total of 48 inches with the pressure rods? A: I don’t know, however, I will go home and check mine. Our gates are installed in a 36 inch door frame without the extensions. I will followup for you.
Q:Can recent buyers please advise of exact color? A: It’s a deep chocolate brown. In certain lights it has almost a green tint to it. But I only noticed that when I had it in direct sun-light. It’s nice and neutral.
Q:extensions only: Does anyone know where I can buy just an extension for this gate? A: Same question / need here! I urgently need to find Extensions ONLY for this exact Extra Tall Decorative gate but can’t find them ANYWHERE and looks like Summer Infant doesn’t event sell these as accessories nor replacement parts! Please help!
Q:I was wondering if it will fit a 40 inch doorway? Some gates say they can fit up to 48 in., but there’s a slight gap somewhere. A: The instruction manual says that one configuration fits 36.5-39, and another configuration fits 41-43.5. If you have a 40″ door, you would use the smaller configuration, but the tension bolts would not be in the frame very far — I wouldn’t consider it safe.
Q:will this fit a door space 38 inches wide A: Yes, we have it in a 42″ space..will fit up to 48″. It’s a great gate!
Q:What stairway gate mounting system are people using with this gate? A: Sorry, I didn’t put it on a stairway, but I really like it in the doorway
Q:Good for dogs? A: It has worked for our Siberian Husky (60 lbs.). We are blocking stairs, so the makes it hard to jump. If it was an entry with room to run on both sides, he could probably jump it. It depends on the dog agility, the handler, and the location of the gate. It is sturdy and easy to install.
Q:Is the height measured to the top of the side rails or to the top of the gate? It looks as if the gate is 2″-3″ taller than the rails. A: The Heighth is the center point/the Door. I am 5’5 and it went to my waist.
Q:Can I buy an extension for this gate? A: I don’t know if they come separate, but here is how I’m using it and how I plan to extend for another placement in my home. The gate comes in several pieces, the main gate and a couple of extensions. For my doorway I use the main gate plus one extension. I’m going to place one in my hallway entry which is much wider. My idea is I will buy another set and then put up that main gate attached to all the extensions it comes with plus the other extensions from my first gate. I hope that makes sense. Have a great day!
Q:will this gate be able to contain a 5lb chihuahua? or will he be able to squeeze through it? A: If the chihuahua is 5 pounds and four feet long, it might squeeze through. Seriously, the widest gap is 2.5 inches with most at 1.5 inches. Measure the pup.
Q:What is the height and width of the step over bar at the bottom of the gate? A: It’s 1.25″ tall and 0.75″ wide. It sits flush on the carpet. It spans about 16″ clear to walk through. Previous answer of 18″ does not take into consideration the opening hinge or closing latch. It’s still easy to navigate though.
Q:I have seen one entry that says the gate swings only one way-and another entry that it swings two ways. Please advise which is correct? A: You can choose which direction you would like it to swing. So you could choose to have the door swing open toward you or you could change it to swing out when you open it. There is a black latch that catches the door and locks it which prevents the ability to swing both ways so you would have to choose your preference. You can also choose which side you would like it to open from, the left or the right.
Q:how large are the openings between the bars? I have a kitten that I want to keep separate, but needs narrow bars so he doesn’t crawl thru. A: The bars are exactly two inches apart. I small young kitten could probably squeeze through. Our full grown cat just jumps over it.
Q:I have a 50″ opening, and I’d really rather not go with a hardware mounted gate – will this gate fit a 50″ opening, or is that unreasonable? A: Not a problem for me! I used it at the bottom of front stair in the foyer. It measures 48″. Super sturdy and looks great! Definite yes ;). Hope this helps
Q:can this be used for stairs? A: ABSOLUTELY. We live in a 3 story condo & have a gate at the top of each of the stairs.
Q:can it be put between a inside door and outside door so my dogs can’t run out when I answer the door ? A: Yes, I ‘m sure it would work. Ours is in a doorway at the top of our stairs, and we can still close the door when the gate is in.
Q:will this fit a 34″ doorway? A: Yes, it’s adjustable up to 36″ and a fantastic gate! We have it on our deck and love it!!